Verse of the Day

Saturday, June 22, 2019

"Is an iPad enough to train Boeing 737 MAX pilots? Famed pilot Sullenberger says he has a better idea...“We should all want pilots to experience these challenging situations for the first time in a simulator and not in flight with passengers and crew on board. And reading about it on an iPad is not even close to sufficient,” Sullenberger said, referring to computer training preferred by Boeing."

"Is an iPad enough to train Boeing 737 MAX pilots? Famed pilot Sullenberger says he has a better idea..."We should all want pilots to experience these challenging situations for the first time in a simulator and not in flight with passengers and crew on board. And reading about it on an iPad is not even close to sufficient," Sullenberger said, referring to computer training preferred by Boeing."

footage of the #ChinaPlaneCrash shows it going ALMOST STRAIGHT DOWN. very bizarre 👇)

Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) tweeted at 4:08 AM on Mon, Mar 21, 2022: Dashcam footage of the China Eastern MU5735 crash.