Verse of the Day

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

THIS EXPLAINS A FEW THINGS "How a 50-year-old design came back to haunt Boeing with its troubled 737 Max jet "

"Boeing has to sit down and ask itself how long they can keep updating this airplane," said Douglas Moss, an instructor at USC's Viterbi Aviation Safety and Security Program, a former United Airlines captain, an attorney and a former Air Force test pilot. "We are getting to the point where legacy features are such a drag on the airplane that we have to go to a clean-sheet airplane."

footage of the #ChinaPlaneCrash shows it going ALMOST STRAIGHT DOWN. very bizarre 👇)

Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) tweeted at 4:08 AM on Mon, Mar 21, 2022: Dashcam footage of the China Eastern MU5735 crash.