Verse of the Day

Thursday, March 21, 2019

BOEING CHARGED for these EXTRA SAFETY FEATURES “They’re critical, and cost almost nothing for the airlines to install,” Bjorn Fehrm, an analyst with the aviation firm Leeham.... “Boeing charges for them because it can. But they’re vital for safety.

BOEING CHARGED for these EXTRA SAFETY FEATURES "They're critical, and cost almost nothing for the airlines to install," Bjorn Fehrm, an analyst with the aviation firm Leeham.... "Boeing charges for them because it can. But they're vital for safety."  

#Repent&BeBaptized !                        #acceptChrist2bSaved2day !

footage of the #ChinaPlaneCrash shows it going ALMOST STRAIGHT DOWN. very bizarre 👇)

Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) tweeted at 4:08 AM on Mon, Mar 21, 2022: Dashcam footage of the China Eastern MU5735 crash.