Monday, June 13, 2016
FALSE ALARM? "Flawed FAA redactions expose Boeing 787 whistleblower " News from Al Jazeera
"The FAA's special condition ultimately required Boeing to prove that the chance of a Dreamliner crash from a lightning strike was "extremely improbable", defined as one catastrophic failure in every one billion flight hours, a one-in-a-billion chance...."
footage of the #ChinaPlaneCrash shows it going ALMOST STRAIGHT DOWN. very bizarre 👇)
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) tweeted at 4:08 AM on Mon, Mar 21, 2022: Dashcam footage of the China Eastern MU5735 crash. https://t.co/H1M...
Sounds miserable " The future of air travel: Planes will be diverted if passengers refuse to wear masks, people sitting at the back wi...